President Jokowi Officially Established the Maritime Security Agency

By Humas     Date 16 Desember 2014
Category: News
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President Jokowi Officially Established the Maritime Security Agency

Coincide with Nusantara Day of 2014 which commemorated in Kotabaru – South Kalimantan, on Monday (15/12), President Jokowi officially announces the Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA). Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) Andi Widjayanto who accompanies the President says BAKAMLA is formed legally based on Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) number 178 of 2014. BAKAMLA has fundamental duty to patrol in Indonesian waters jurisdiction.

“Establishment of BAKAMLA signifies a new era of synergic maritime security operation which is supported by Early Warning system and Integrated Law Enforcement unit”, says Andi through a phone message.


Previously, the task was carried out by Coordinating Board On Maritime Safety (BAKORKAMLA) which is formed based on Joint Decree of Minister of Defense and Security /Commander of State Army, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice and Attorney Generals, number KEP/B/45/XII/1972; SK/901/M/1972; KEP.779/MK/III/12/1972; J.S.8/72/1;KEP-085/J.A/12/1972 about Establishment of Coordinating Board On Maritime Safety and The Joint Command On Maritime Safety Operations.

In order to enhance coordination between government institution on maritime safety, a Task Force Of Planning, Security Development and Law Enforcement On Sea is established in 2003 through a Ministerial Decree of Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security, number Kep.05/Menko/Polkam/2/2003.

Furthermore, through a series of seminars and cross-sector coordination, on December 29th of 2005, a Presidential Regulation number 81 of 2005 is set to be the legal basis for BAKORKAMLA. Now with the issuance of PERPRES number 178 of 2014, BAKORKAMLA has changed its name become BAKAMLA with bigger authority in securing sea throughout this country.(WID/ES)(Ifp)

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