Directives of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Disbursement of Working Capital Assistance, Tuesday, 30 September 2020 at the Merdeka Palace Yard, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 September 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all,

Distinguished Cabinet Secretary, Chief of Presidential Secretariat.

Ladies and Gentlemen.


First of all, I would like to thank you for attending this event. We are all aware that this is not an easy condition; everyone is experiencing difficulties. Be it micro, small, medium, big enterprises, or even the State is experiencing hard times. Not only Indonesia, 215 other countries also saw the same condition. The pandemic hits countries all over the world hard. Nevertheless, we should thank God the Almighty that Indonesia’s economy is still moving. We must control the pandemic and face the trials that were given by God. Let us see the silver lining behind the pandemic. Hopefully, the vaccine can be given to the people by the end of this year or early 2021. Once the people receive the vaccine, the situation will return to normal. However, you should know that approximately 170 to 180 million of people will receive the vaccines. It will take months of hard work to finish the vaccination.

I know about your situation, about the drop in your income and profit. If normally you earn Rp1 million per day, now you earn Rp500,000 or even less than that. When I visited several regions, for example Bogor to distribute this cash aid, they told me that they are also facing the same condition.

Regardless the condition, you must not close your businesses. You must survive until the situation returns to normal. Therefore, we distribute the Working Capital Assistance. Keep working hard and never give up so once the situation returns to normal, your businesses can grow. On the other hand, if you close your businesses, it will take time to start again from zero since there are many rivals in which the businesses have been established. Let us remain vigilant because the condition will hit not only micro, small, and medium business but also big business. Do your best to survive despite the small profit. Hopefully, the vaccine can be ready soon.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think that concludes my directives on this auspicious occasion. I encourage you to remind your neighbors to always wear face masks, maintain safe distance because the virus can be transmitted from anyone including those whom we are not expected.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all,

Distinguished Cabinet Secretary and Head of Presidential Secretariat,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for your presence at the Palace. I know that we are now in a difficult, unfavourable position. Be it micro, small, medium, or big enterprises. The pandemic makes us get into a difficult situation, including our country.

Therefore, I invite you all to keep on striving, not to give up, do not let your business closed despite you only earn half or even a quarter of the usual profit, do not be discouraged, must survive. Since this pandemic does not only hit our country. 215 countries worldwide are experiencing the similar situation and even many countries face a far worse situation. And we hope that in December this year, or early next year we can carry out vaccinations. God willing, if the vaccine is already available, the situations will begin to improve and return to normal. That is what we expect to happen soon that vaccination can immediately be carried out. However, to realize it, there are still many works and preparations to be done.

Are there any home business owners here? Either small shops or small stores? Oh, there are many of you. Any street vendors? There are also a lot of street vendors. Any hawkers? No one? Any peddlers? Oh, some of you are peddlers. Okay. I already meet many (of micro entrepreneurs) in the regions, at this Palace, and at the Bogor Palace. The story is always the same, their sales turnover was previously Rp1,000,000 per day but now it is only Rp400,000. Or their previous sales turnover was Rp500,000 but now it is only Rp200,000. The most important things to do are to work harder and survive, so when the situation returns to normal, your business can immediately return to normal or even better.

To that end, we distribute the working capital assistance which you have received. Have you been told about the amount of the assistance? Not yet? The amount is Rp2,400,000 to be used as additional working capital assistance.

Alright. Please open the envelope, there is Rp2,400,000 there. Once again, we hope that with this Working Capital Assistance, when the situation returns to normal, your business can also return to its initial state. Please survive, do not let your business closed.

I think that concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. Thank you for your presence. I really appreciate the hard work of all of us so that the economy and health will return to normal, and COVID-19 will dissipate.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



Translated by: Rany Anjany & Galuh Wicaksono

Edited by: Mia Medyana B & Muhardi




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