Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on the Partnership for Family Development, Population and Family Planning Programs (Bangga Kencana) of 2021, 28 January 2021 at the State Palace, DKI Jakarta Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Januari 2021
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,
May prosperity be upon us all,
Om Swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of Virtue.

Distinguished Chairperson of Commission IX of the House of Representatives;
Distinguished Cabinet Ministers;
Distinguished Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and the stakeholders of the BKKBN;
Distinguished participants of the National Coordination Meeting;
Ladies and gentlemen.

I would like to use this auspicious opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to all personnel of the BKKBN and its cadres in the villages.

I have received information from Head of the BKKBN that the Agency has 1.2 million personnel of village family planning officers and family planning sub-officers, 13,000 civil servant family planning officers, and 9,600 non-civil servant family planning officers. Doctor Hasto (Head of the BKKBN) has asked me whether this number could be added. My answer is yes.

What we need today is on the ground workers who deal with operational matters and directly in touch with communities. They are expected to provide guidance, counseling, and family planning services in communities, develop family planning villages across the country, and develop strong, happy and prosperous families.

The presence of family planning cadres and family planning workers are not only for birth control but also for the great purpose of improving the quality of family life at the hamletlevel and village level, in order to create healthy, happy, and prosperous families.

The BKKBN plays a strategic role for the future of our nation, because family is the pillar of the nation. If every family lives a high quality life, then Indonesia will also have a high quality oflife and will be prosperous. And do not forget that in the midst of a prosperous family a healthy, intelligent family will be born.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to reiterate that Indonesia’s population is currently dominated by the younger generation. The majority of Indonesia’s population is the younger generation who has just started a family or is about to have a family. Young families are the majority of Indonesian families for today and in the future.

In years of 2025, 2030, and 2035, we will have a demographic bonus, the peak of the demographic bonus, and that’s when the young families, productive families will become the largest part of our demography. We all must be aware of it and must prepare for it so that when the golden generation of Indonesia emerges, we will have healthy families, productive families, and high-quality families, because in their hands is the fate of the newborns and the future generation.

To that end, I invite the BKKBN and all its stakeholders to use different strategies in providing assistance in people empowerment, because the main target group fostered by all of you is the younger generation, young families who are digitallysavvy. Everyone has gadget, everyone has cell phone and often access their cellphones, and everyone is active on social media.

Therefore, the BKKBN communication method must also change. It must involve a modern approach. For information dissemination, use up-to-date media so that the message reaches the target.

Second, the dissemination should not only about the number of children and birth spacing. The important thing for dissemination is also measures to build family resilience in various sectors, including health, economy, children’s education, and family happiness. Nutrition, quality of sanitation, quality of environment, access to education, health, and maintaining sources of income are the pillars of the welfare and resilience of every Indonesian family.

Third, we have decided 2-3 days ago that the BKKBN will oversee the implementation in handling stunting reduction. Five years ago, the stunting rate was 37 percent and it had dropped to 27.6 (percent) in 2019. Our target for 2024 is 14 percent. That is not an easy target, but I believe that if this matter is managed with good management, the target will not be difficult to achieve.

We have planned the budget consolidation and programconsolidation. The BKKBN will set the target forministries/institutions and everything will be designed. And this is your duty because the problem of stunting must get serious attention. Once again, our stunting rate in 2019 was still at 27.6 percent. This number is expected to increase due to the 2020 and current pandemic.

So the 2024 target of 14 percent rate is not an easy target. But if we work seriously, control on the ground development, work together, and collaborate, I think we can significantly reduce the stunting rate.

I reiterate that as the leader for the stunting reduction measures, the BKKBN will lead all government ministries/agencies because it has the infrastructure and the organization in all levels. Once again, the activities will be coordinated by Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and the leader will be Head of the BKKBN. What does it mean? It means that the BKKBN is in control of stunting prevention from now on.

I think that concludes my remarks in this auspicious opportunity. And by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially open the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on the Partnershipfor Family Development, Population and Family Planning Programs (Bangga Kencana) of 2021.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Om Santi Santi Santi Om.

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