Supervise the TKI Placement, Government Give Full Authority to the Supervisory of Manpower

By Humas     Date 10 Maret 2015
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Keep an Eye on TKI Placement, Government Give Full Authority to the Supervisory of Manpower

In order to implement the provisions of Article 92 Paragraph (3) the Act No. 39 of 2004 on the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (TKI) in Overseas, President Joko Widodo on February 13, 2015 ago has signed the Government Regulation (PP) No. 4 of 2015 on the Implementation Supervision against the Implementation Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Overseas.

In the PP mentioned, PPTKIS implement the supervision of the implementation of placement and protection of migrant workers abroad made to the implementation of placement and protection of migrant workers abroad, the company for its own interest, and workers who work abroad as individuals.

The supervision shall include: a. Pre Placement include: recruitment and selection, education and training of migrant workers, migrant workers insurance, and TKI placement agreement; b. After placement, which include: the return of migrant workers to the area of origin of workers, and / or settlement of the problem of TKI.

The supervision during the placement made to: a. TKI demand letter from the user; b. The document reports the arrival of migrant workers; c. The fulfillment of user requirements; d. Realization of work by the user; e. Implementation of the extension of labor agreements; f. Changes in labor agreements; g. Eligibility as business partners; h. Problems faced by migrant workers; i. The implementation of PPTKIS representatives abroad; and j. Reports returning migrant workers, “the wording of Article 5 PP 4/2015.

Workers Supervisory Authority

According to this regulation, in carrying out surveillance on the pre-the placement of and after the placement of authority: a. Entering all over the place implementation process is carried out the placement of and protection of migrant workers abroad; b. Request information from employers, trustees, employees, prospective migrants/migrant workers, and and/or other parties related to the implementation of the placement of and protection of migrant workers abroad; and c. Check the documents related to the implementation of placement and protection of migrant workers abroad and other labor norms.

PP is asserted, the implementation of the supervision of the implementation of the placement of and protection of migrant workers abroad are carried out through the following steps: a. Preventive edukative; b. Repressive non-justice; and c. Repressive justice.

Article 12 of this Regulation asserted that the monitoring of the implementation of the placement and protection of migrant workers abroad carried out by the workers supervision in coordination with relevant agencies in accordance with their respective authority under the provisions of the legislation.

As for the supervision of the implementation of the placement and protection of migrant workers abroad that have a national impact are the responsibility of the Ministry of Manpower.

The representative in the placement destination country in supervising in foreign countries, according to this regulation, in coordination with the Minister of Manpower and related agencies.

“This government regulation (PP) applicable on the date of enactment,” the wording of Article 18 of Government Regulation promulgated by the Ministry of Justice Yasonna H. Laoly on February 13, 2015. (Pusdatin/ES)

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