550 Journalists will Cover the Asian-African Conference, 200 of Them From Japan
Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, as Head of Media and Public Relations of the National Committee for Commemoration of 60 Years of Asian-African Conference (KAA) reveals, more than a thousand journalists who register coverage, 40 percent comes from foreign media.
“There are about 40 percent of the foreign media, while approximately of 60 percent of the rest, are the domestic media,” Rudiantara said in Jakarta, Tuesday (7/4).
Rudiantara mentions that the majority of foreign journalists coming from Japan (about 200 persons) and China (about 100 persons). “Well, now we’re at the reviews all incoming media,” Rudiantara said.
Related with the readiness that is being made, further Menister of Communication and Informatic, among others checking and confirmation for the presence of delegates. National Committee provides four aircraft to transport the heads of state from Bandung to Jakarta and vice versa.
550 Media Crews
Director of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Freddy H Tulung estimated 550 media crews from around the world who will do the coverage of Commemoration 60 Years of Asian-African Conference in Bandung on 24 April 2015.
To cover KAA, said Freddy Tulung, journalists should use www.aacc2015.id as the sole medium for all journalists who wish to participate in the big event in the Asian-African Conference. www.aacc2015.id has three main objectives: provide as much information related to the agenda, organizing media registration, delegates, and the promotion of Indonesia.
Ministry of Communications will also continue to provide news related to the development of a variety of information about the KAA. “Whether through the official website of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – InfoPublik portals, websites Commemorations of Asian African Conference 2015 (AACC 2015), social media, print media, release and others,” Freddy Tulung said.
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology also provides a media center that is located in Hall A Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC) for the event in Jakarta. “Meanwhile, in Bandung there are at several points, namely: PGN Building, New Majestic, and Ibis style Hotel Braga,” Freddy Tulung said. Â (Humas Kemkominfo/ES)