Gov’t Issues Circular on Sacrificial Animal Slaughtering for Eid al-Adha 1443 H

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 Juni 2022
Category: News
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Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas Friday (06/24) issued Circular Number SE.10 of 2022 on Guidance for Eid Al-Adha Prayer and Slaughtering of Sacrificial Animals on 1443 Hijri/2022 AD.

“The circular serves a guide for the people in holding the Eid Al-Adha rituals by adhering to health protocols and perform qurban (sacrificing animals during Eid) by paying attention to the health of sacrificial animals as a measure to secure public health,” Yaqut said as quoted from Ministry’s official page, Monday (06/27).

The circular, among others, regulates from takbiran (tradition of chanting praises to God) in the eve prior to Eid, prayer and sermon of the Eid, to technical guidance for slaughtering that includes skinning, slicing, packaging, to distributing sacrificial meat that must also comply with strict health protocols in accordance with the status of each regional level.

“For Muslims, slaughtering qurban animals on the Eid Al-Adha is sunnah muakkadah (the recommended sunnah). However, Muslims are advised not to force themselves to hold qurban amid the FMD outbreak,” the circular reads.

Yaqut also urged Muslims to buy healthy qurban animals in accordance with the sharia law and caring it so the animals remain in good health until the slaughter day. He also added that Muslims who intend to sacrifice and are in the outbreak or outermost area and suspected FMD area suggested to perform qurban at the slaughterhouse (RPH).

“Or, entrust the purchase, slaughter, and distribution of qurban animals to the zakat agency/institutions, or other institutions that meet the requirements,” Yaqut said.

The circular also states that slaughtering qurban animals must be carried out at the specified time of sharia law, namely: Eid Al-Adha Day (10 Dhul Hijjah) and Thasriq days (11, 12, and 13 Dhul Hijjah) and prioritize to slaughter it at the available slaughterhouses.

If the slaughterhouse is difficult to reach or have limited capacity, slaughter can be done outside the slaughterhouse by obtaining recommendations from relevant agencies and the slaughter must be done in a large area by limiting the attendees other than the competent butcher in accordance with sharia law and the qurban animal owners by observing health protocols, the circular reads.

In addition, it is required for the Head of the Provincial Office of Religious Affairs Ministry, the Head of the Regency/Municipality Office of Religious Affairs Ministry, and the Head of the District Religious Affairs Office to monitor the circular’s implementation on site. (PR of Ministry of Religious Affairs/UN) (GWH/HD)

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