Cabinet Secretariat Wins 2021 Excellent Public Service Award

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Maret 2022
Category: News
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Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Faried Utomo receives award for public service from Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, Tuesday (03/08) in Jakarta. (Photo: Jay/PR)

Minister of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo submitted the results of the 2021 public service evaluation to ministries, institutions and regional governments, in Jakarta, Tuesday (08/03).

Based on this evaluation, the Cabinet Secretariat and 16 other ministries/agencies won awards as Public Service Providers in the “Excellent Service” Category in 2021.

“Every year we evaluate all ministries/agencies. Hopefully by the end of 2024, 514 regencies/cities, 34 provinces, and central ministries/agencies including the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri), courts and others will be able to make innovations and accelerate the public service program quickly,” said Tjahjo.

Furthermore, Tjahjo also emphasized directive from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo which stating that every state apparatus must have the same orientation—to provide the best service to the public.

“President Jokowi also reminded that the spirit of serving and helping the public must be firmly embedded in every government apparatus, both central and regional. It’s no longer apply the old-style state apparatus which demanded to be served,” he said.

The Minister added that all levels of government from the center to the regions must also strengthen the employer branding—Proud to Serve the Nation.

“There should be no more ego, either sectoral ego, regional ego, and knowledge ego. This is the President’s directive in order to show that all central government officials, ministries, institutions and regions are proud to serve their nation well,” he said.

For the record, in 2021, Ministry of PANRB had carried out monitoring and evaluation of 548 regional government agencies, both regencies/cities and provinces, as well as 84 central ministries/agencies.

At the provincial level, evaluations were carried out on 34 Public Service Provider Units (UPP), which consisted of the Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) and the One-Stop Administration System (Samsat).

Meanwhile, at the regency/city level, the evaluation locus reached 514 UPP, consisting of the DPMPTSP and the Department of Population and Civil Registration.

Based on the results of the evaluation of the public service index, ministries and institutions scored 4.00 or category B (Good). Meanwhile, the regional government’s public service index scored 3.58 which is also category B (Good). (FID/UN) (EST/MMB)

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