Cash Direct Assistance Distribution for Fuel Oil Subsidy Reallocation Reaches up to 95.9 Percent

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 September 2022
Category: News
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President Jokowi observes social assistance distribution in Baubau city, Southeast Sulawesi province, on Tuesday (09/27). (Source: Screenshot)

The Government continues to distribute social assistance to the people in order to maintain the people’s purchasing power and also as one of the programs to reallocate oil fuel (BBM) subsidy. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said that the distribution of cash direct assistance to reallocate oil fuel (BLT BBM) has reached up to 95.9 percent.

 “The distribution of BLT BBM until today has reached 19.7 million beneficiaries. It means that it has reached 95.9 percent, almost completed,” the President said after observing the social assistance distribution at the Post Office of Baubau city, Southeast Sulawesi province, on Tuesday (09/27).

In addition to BLT BBM, the Government also distributed Salary Subsidy Assistance (BSU) for workers. President Jokowi mentioned that BSU distribution has reached up to 48.3 percent.

“To date, BSU has been distributed to 7,077,000 beneficiaries. It means that the distribution has reached 48.3 percent, and it still continues to be distributed in a timely manner,” President Jokowi said.

In this regard, the Head of State is optimistic that the assistance distribution can be completed as targeted.

“It will be completed at the end of the year, Insya Allah,” he affirmed.

Meanwhile, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that the Ministry will continue to distribute BSU in a timely manner.

“Every week, we distribute it in stages. Insya Allah in a month, Pak President, the distribution can be completed,” Minister Ida said.

In Southeast Sulawesi province, Ida mentioned, BSU has been distributed to 19,286 beneficiaries, or 24.21 percent of 79,675 targeted beneficiaries. Ida added that BSU distribution is also carried out in all provinces.

“Indeed, BSU is provided from Sabang city to Merauke town,” the Minister said. (TGH/UN)(AW/LW)

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