Could Not Understand President Dilma, Foreign Minister: So Far the Relationship RI – Brazil Very Good

By Humas     Date 25 Februari 2015
Category: News
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Menlu Retno Marsudi didampingi Dubes RI untuk Brasl Toto Riyanto memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan, di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Selasa (24/2)

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi accompanied by Ambassador Toto Riyanto conveys the information to journalists, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/2).

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi said he could not understand the actions of the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff who delay receipt of credential letter from Ambassador of Indonesia to Brazil, Toto Riyanto, shortly before the beginning of a state ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Friday (20 / 2).

“President Dilma said, wait for a better relationship. However, we do not understand because during this time the relationship (RI – Brazil) is very good,” Retno told to reporters after along with the Ambassador of Indonesia to Brazil, Toto Riyanto met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (24 / 2).

Foreign Minister assessing, the actions taken by the government of Brazil, which at the last moment of Foreign Minister of Brazail to call Ambassador Toto Riyanto, regarding the delay acceptance of credential is unacceptable.

“It is a matter of dignity of the nation, the issue of sovereignty because the presence of the Ambassador to the placement country is not on behalf of private, but carrying the credentials of President,” Foreign Minister said.

Related with dislike the President of Brazil on convicted drug executions involving two Brazilians, Foreign Minister said, President Jokowi already explained the government’s position related to the death penalty, the government of Indonesia requested that no intervention from any country related to the execution of the death.

However, Foreign Minister ensuring that his side will carefully manage the relations between Indonesia and Brazil. She also explained that in order to maintain good relations between the two countries, the Brazilian government should be able to respect the rule of law in Indonesia.

“Because so far the relationship between Indonesia and Brazil in good condition, so I think the position of Indonesia is very clear, whether the issue of the rule of law, the issue of dignity, and also the issue of maintaining good relations with other countries,” Retno said. (*/ES)

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