Gov’t Issues Regulation on CPO Export Provisions

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Mei 2022
Category: News
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Following the Government’s policy to reopen palm oil export, Ministry of Trade has issued Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 30 of 2022 on Provisions Regarding Export on Crude Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Olein, and Used Cooking Oil.

Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, Tuesday (05/24), asserted that the resumption of oil exports was made considering the sufficient supply of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in Indonesia. He added that the Goverrnment will prioritize demand of domestic market and ensure the availability in the country.

He also urged CPO exporters and producers to comply with regulations set by the Government.

“I look forward to a mutual cooperation from all stakeholders in making the export policy a success,” he said.

The Regulation required exporters to secure export permits as a requirement to export CPO and its derivative products. The permits would be valid for six months.

The permits will be issued if they have obtained:

  1. a proof that they have met domestic market obligation (DMO) at certain price level based on domestic price obligation (DPO);
  2. a proof that they have distributed cooking oil for DMO at DPO price to retailers and a proof that they have not bought CPO at DPO price;
  3. a proof that they have distributed products for DMO based on partnership between exporter and distribution implementing producer in which the documents including Business Identity Number and name of the company were submitted to Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) system.

Under the Regulation, exporters who have not complied with the provisions will be subject to administrative sanctions in forms of electronic warning notice issued through the INSW system, suspension and revocation of export permit. (PR of Ministry of Trade/UN) (RAS/LW)

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