Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at a Limited Meeting on the Evaluation of Implementation of National Strategic Projects and Priority Programs in North Kalimantan Province at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, on 21 March 2017

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Maret 2017
Category: Introductory Remarks
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Unofficial Translation in English 

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good Afternoon,

May the peace be upon us all,

North Kalimantan is the youngest province of Indonesia which is part of Indonesia’s veranda that directly borders with neighboring country Malaysia. Although the province is the youngest one in Indonesia, I believe it can catch up with the economy in other provinces in Kalimantan Island because North Kalimantan Province has quite abundant potentials that must be used for the greatest benefit of all the people.

In developing North Kalimantan, there are several things to be improved. The economic growth in the Province is only 3.75 percent. The growth was indeed influenced by a fluctuation of commodity prices, particularly mining commodity prices in the global market.

In business sector, mining sector contributes to 24.65 percent of the economy in North Kalimantan, followed by agriculture sector with 18.09 percent. However, when mining commodity prices fell, agriculture sector has been the main source of the economic growth, exceeding the construction and trade sectors’ contribution to the economy.

I ask all to use this momentum to rearrange priority sectors in North Kalimantan Province, so that the sectors can be the engine of quality economic growth in the future, which will bring positive impact on the people’s prosperity in North Kalimantan.

And, I remind you all to continue promoting the quality economic growth. It can be done if  downstream industry is implemented in North Kalimantan. By developing mining processing industries as well as connecting the development of agriculture and plantation sectors with processing industries, added value to the region can be brought.

To accelerate the economic growth and equality in North Kalimantan, it should be supported by connectivity as well as infrastructures for clean water and electricity. Regarding connectivity, I ask the revitalization of Juwata Airport in Tarakan and Sebatik Airport to be completed immediately.

Concerning clean water, according to the data I have received, approximately 7.3 percent of North Kalimantan population do not have access to clean water. There are three regencies which experience worse clean water crisis, namely, Nunukan, Malinau, and Tanah Tidung. So, please pay attention to these regencies.

I also instructed that the infrastructure development for electricity can be conducted immediately, so the people in North Kalimantan, particularly those who have domestic industries, can get access to electricity, sufficient for their domestic industries.

That is all I can say in this remarks. I invite the Pak Governor to take the floor. (Humas Setkab)(RAS/AW/YM)

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