Marine Affairs Ministry to Oversee Use of Marine Space in Three Interregional Areas

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Februari 2022
Category: News
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The issuance of three presidential regulations on interregional zoning plan of Java Sea, Sulawesi Sea, and Tomini Bay in Sulawesi will create a significant impact on investment in marine and fishery sectors, which will boost national economic growth, according to Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono.

The Minister stated that zoning plans serve as an essential function in issuing prerequisite approval for license to conduct business in marine space that has high risks.

“The issuance of three presidential regulations on interregional zoning plan at the beginning of 2022 is an important moment, considering that in post-pandemic period, the Government is recovering the national economic situation through acceleration of investment activities in marine and fishery sectors,” Wahyu said in his written statement, Monday (02/14).

The three policies initiated by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries are Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2022 on Java Sea Interregional Zoning Plan, Presidential Regulation Number 4 of 2022 on Sulawesi Sea Interregional Zoning Plan, and Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2022 on Tomini Bay Interregional Zoning Plan that were enacted on January 5, 2022.

Interregional Zoning Plan serves as a reference for Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in issuing Suitability of Marine Space Use (KKPRL), which is a prerequisite to obtain business license in accordance with Article 37 Paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 21 of 2021 on Spatial Planning. For the record, Interregional Zoning Plan is the mandate of Law Number 32 of 2014 on Marine Affairs.

Following the issuance of three policies, Directorate General of Marine Space Management of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries will create a marine growth center that is effective, competitive, and environmentally friendly in the three areas.

“Without zoning plan, the issuance of KKPRL will be hindered. In fact, it may not be able to be issued for businesses in marine space that have high risks. Therefore, these presidential regulations play an essential and central role for the ease of investment in marine space,” Interim Director General of Marine Space Management Pamuji Lestari.

In the meantime, Director of Marine Spatial Planning Suharyanto pointed out that with the issuance of the three policies, there are already four presidential regulations on interregional zoning plan.

In 2020, Presidential Regulation Number 83 of 2020 on Makassar Strait Interregional Zoning Plan was stipulated. Therefore, there are still 16 interregional areas, which consists of cross-provincial straits, bays, and seas, that have not had a regulation on zoning plans yet.

“In line with the Minister’s policy direction in improving the economy and preserving the ecosystem, we continue to take measures to accelerate several presidential regulations on interregional zoning plan in other locations, so in 2024, we have completed minimum 80 percent of the 20 locations stated in Government Regulation Number 32 of 2019 on Marine Spatial Planning,” Suharyanto said.

For the record, the three presidential regulations on interregional zoning plan also regulate conservation areas and public utilization areas in water areas.

For example, it is stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2022 on Java Sea Interregional Zoning Plan that conservation area takes up 1.6 million hectares of coastal waters and public utilization area takes up 12.8 million hectares. As for marine space beyond coastal waters (over 12 miles from the coastline), 39.9 million hectares are allocated for public utilization and 609,200 hectares are allocated for conservation.

Meanwhile, Sulawesi Sea interregional zoning plan covers regulations and jurisdiction of Indonesia over the sea that shares a maritime border with the Philippines. It also allocates 18.4 million hectares of marine space for public utilization and 1,300 hectares for conservation development. In addition, it allocates 2.5 million hectares of coastal waters for public utilization and 66,900 hectares for conservation area.

On the other hand, Tomini Bay interregional zoning plan covers different areas. It allocates 579,100 hectares of coastal waters for conservation area development and 2.8 million hectares for public utilization. As for marine space beyond coastal waters, 2.1 million hectares are allocated for public utilization and 119,600 hectares are for conservation. (PR of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries/UN) (DH/MMB)

The official website of Ministry of Marine Affairs can be accessed through this link.

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