Message of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Commemoration Ceremony of the 75th Anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) at the State Palace, Jakarta , Monday, 5 October 2020

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 5 Oktober 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

Peace and prosperity be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet,

Honorable Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces,

Honorable Chief of the Indonesian National Police,

Honorable Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as all ranks of the TNI throughout the country,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of the people, the nation, and the state, I would like to extend my congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces. The anniversary is not only celebrated by members and extended families of the TNI wherever they are but also by all Indonesian people.

The long journey of the TNI since the struggle for independence until now shows that the TNI is the main guardian of the country’s sovereignty, it maintains the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Pancasila ideology and the 1945 Constitution, it protects the entire nation and homeland from threats and interferences. In the long history of the TNI, the contribution of the TNI to the nation and state is not only materialized through the OMP (Military Operations for War) but also through the OMSP (Military Operations Apart from War). The TNI readily helps people who are facing natural disasters, including in dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic

On behalf of the Indonesian people, I would like to extend my highest appreciation to the extended family and TNI institutions, to soldiers who are on duty anywhere, as well as to retired officers who have legated the institutions and soldiers who are always devoted to the advancement of the country in an ever-changing world. As the Supreme Commander of the TNI, I have high hopes and always support the transformation to strengthen the TNI.

Honorable TNI soldiers and retired military officers,

I have often said on various occasions that the world is rapidly changing, the world is moving very dynamically. The transformation of the TNI organization must continue to be carried out in accordance with the dynamics of the strategic environment, in accordance with the dynamics of threats, and in accordance with developments in military technology.

Since the beginning of the reformation era, many transformations of the TNI organization have been carried out to ensure that the TNI supports precisely the needs of democratic consolidation, to ensure that the TNI can be adaptive to the development of post-cold war threats, especially against unconventional and transnational threats, and to ensure that the TNI is able to adopt the latest developments in military technology based on information technology, nano technology and automation technology.

In the past five years, the TNI has carried out a significant organizational transformation by establishing new organizational units. We have formed new combat organizations, such as the Division 3 of the Army Reserve Strategic Command (Kostrad), Air Force Operations Command III, Fleet Command III, Marine Forces 3. We have formed a joint force of the TNI, especially the three Joint Regional Defense Commands and three Air Force drone squadrons, and the TNI Cyber ​​Unit. The formation of these new organizational units is a form of the Government’s commitment to continue to transform the TNI organization so that the TNI will be stronger in carrying out its role.

Honorable TNI soldiers and retired military officers,

The organizational transformation must be supported by technological transformation and the personnel who operate it. The industrial revolution 4.0  has produced amazing new technologies including military technology. We are currently in an era of military technological leaps that will affect the tactics and strategies of future warfare.

We must continue to transform technology and personnel to be able to understand and take advantage of leaps in the fields of information technology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence technology. We must be ready to anticipate new characters of future battles that have greater destructive power, high level destruction, shorter battles in determining the winner, and hybrid battles that combine various tactics at once, both conventional and unconventional tactics as well as cross-dimensional tactics, be it in social, politics, and economics.

To master the latest military technological leap, we must be serious about changing our policies, from defense spending policies to defense investment. The defense investment policy must be systematically designed and implemented consistently and sustainably in the long term. Only through planned long-term defense investment will the TNI be able to become a modern war force that keeps up with the most advanced technological developments

Honorable TNI soldiers and retired military officers,

The organizational and technological transformations must be supported by a strong transformation of personnel, both in facing military operations for war and for military operations other than war. We are grateful that the fighter character of TNI soldiers has been deeply instilled.

This character of a fighter must continue to be instilled and institutionalized in the service of TNI soldiers wherever they are. The character of a fighter who is always ready to synergize, to work hand in hand with various elements of the nation, to synergize between corps, between military branches, and between agencies, as well as to maintain synergy between the TNI and the National Police (Polri). Synergy is the key to building a stronger and more effective defense force. A fighter character that is always prepared to answer the call of duty anytime and anywhere. Therefore, we need professional TNI soldiers who are truly educated and trained to continuously improve their capabilities so that they are always ready to fulfill the call of duty.

In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to TNI soldiers who are always prepared to fulfill their call of duty to faithfully guard the Pancasila ideology, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution and  the pledge of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), who sincerely serve in remote areas, in border areas, in frontier islands, as well as abroad as peacekeeping troops.

I would also like to express my highest appreciation to TNI soldiers who have always been at the forefront of humanitarian missions. Thank you to the TNI for being active in handling victims of natural disasters and forest fires. And, thank you for the active role of the TNI in handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in disciplining the implementation of health protocols and health care at the TNI Hospital.

Finally, continue to improve skills, professionalism, and readiness to accept further assignments. Uphold the mandate of Sapta Marga and the Soldier’s Oath. Continue to maintain the unity of the TNI with the people. Use synergy as the strength to build the country, bringing Indonesia to become a developed country.

Long live the Indonesian National Defense Forces!

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Translated by Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by Mia Medyana B

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