Minister Issues Circular on Guidelines for Ramadan, Eid Worships

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 April 2022
Category: News
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Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued Circular Number 08 of 2022 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Worships in the Months of Ramadan and Eid 1443 Hijri/2022 AD.

The Circular was signed by the Minister on March 29, 2022.

“Muslims are encouraged to take on and improve practices during Ramadan, such as performing tarawih prayers (evening Ramadan prayer), iktikaf (staying up at night to pray), qur’an recitation, Islamic learning,  zakat (obligatory annual charity), infaq (donation), alms, and endowment. However, they must still observe health protocols,” the Minister said, as quoted from the Ministry’s official site on Friday (04/01).

In particular, the Minister reminded his administration to be models in observing health protocols during worships in the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. “Officials and State Civil Apparatus of Ministry of Religious Affairs are prohibited from holding or joining congregational iftar, suhoor, and/or Eid open houses,” the Minister said.

These are the following provisions:

  1. Muslims shall carry out Ramadan and Eid worships in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law.
  2. Muslims are encourage to take on and improve practices during Ramadan, such as performing tarawih prayers, iktikaf, qur’an recitation, Islamic learning, zakat, infaq, alms, and endowment while still observing health protocols.
  3. In the implementation of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr worships, caretakers and maintainers of mosques/musalas shall pay attention to the Circular on the implementation of worships/religious activities in places of worship during the implementation of public activity restrictions (PPKM) in accordance with the status of their respective regional levels and observe health protocols.
  4. The caretakers and maintainers of mosques/musalas as referred to in number 3 are required to appoint personnel who are tasked to ensure the dissemination of information and implementation of health protocols to all congregants.
  5. Officials and State Civil Apparatus are prohibited from holding or joining congregational iftar, suhoor, and/or Eid open houses.
  6. Those who hold congregational iftar, suhoor, and/or Eid open houses must pay attention to health protocols.
  7. Vaccination against COVID-19 can be carried out in the month of Ramadan by following health guidelines.
  8. The activities of collecting and distributing zakat al-mal, zakat el-fitr, infaq, and alms by the Amil Zakat National Agency (BAZNAS), Amil Zakat Institutions, and the communities shall be carried out with due regard to health protocols.
  9. Preachers/religious lecturers are expected to play a role in strengthening the values ​​of faith, piety, unity, harmony, the welfare of the people, and nationality in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through wise and polite preaching material and language in accordance with the guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and not arguing on matters of khilafiyah(differences of opinion, views, or attitudes) nature.
  10. The public is encouraged to recite the takbir (proclaiming the greatness of Allah) on the eve of Eid 1443 Hijri/2022 AD in their respective mosques/musalas or homes.
  11. The use of loudspeakers shall refer to Circular of Minister of Religious Affairs Number 05 of 2022 on Guidelines for the Use of Loudspeakers in Mosques and Musalas.
  12. Eid prayer on 1 Shawwal 1443 Hijri/2022 AD can be carried out in mosques or open fields with due regard to health protocols. (PR of Ministry of Religious Affairs/UN) (FI/LW)
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