Minister of State Secretary: President Asks the Presidential Institution Must Gives Examples

By Humas     Date 5 Januari 2015
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Rakor Mensesneg

Minister of State Secretary: President Asks the Presidential Institution Must Gives Examples

Venturing activities in early 2015, the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) and the Cabinet Secretariat (Setkab), held a coordination meeting related to 2014 Program Review and Tutorial for the Agenda of 2015 Programs, in Serbaguna Hall, Building III, Setneg, on Monday (5/1).

Coordination meeting who was attended by the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno and Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) Andi Wijayanto, also attended by the officials of echelon I, II, and III in Kemensetneg and Setkab.

Mensesneg Pratikno explained, other than Kemensetneg and Setkab, there are also other institutions under the President, ie National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), who duties to safeguard the development planning in all areas. In addition, there are also the Supervisory Agency of Finance and Development (BPKP), as well as the Presidential Staff Unit that led by Head of Presidential Staff.

“We call the Presidential Institution that directly under the President. So this will be mutually reinforcing in the Presidential Institution,” Pratikno said.

“Our job is to ensure that the traffic flow information and policies in providing support to the President goes well. Therefore, we also need to interact with ministries and regions to ensure that the traffic flow of information and the policy goes well, “said Mensesneg.

On that occasion, Mensesneg Pratikno also convey the message of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), that the Presidential Institution should be able to give examples from himselves, in own homes, which is in the President’s office.

“We have to reduce the risk of faults in performing Presidential duties. Therefore, in the future, we need to have a system for scheduling the preparation of information systems for the benefit of all parties,” said Mensesneg as he mentioned the necessity of the institution of the Presidency to be responsive to the growing issues.

President Jokowi Style

Meanwhile, the Cabinet Secretary Andi Wijayanto delivered to officials in Kemensetneg and Setkab to pay attention to the style of leadership of President Jokowi. That is the work of leadership.

“If anyone would be submitted to the President, it will be better complemented by photos or videos as the President works with empathy,” said Cabinet Secretary.

Additionally, Cabinet Secretary requested that in solving a problem through the recommendation, needs to be checked directly of the truth, so the recommendation becomes more complete and accurate.

Related to the preparation of laws and regulations, Cabinet Secretary explained, President Jokowi want regulation made quickly, precisely and obvious the target.

As related to work programs, according to Cabinet Secretary Andi Wijayanto, there are three (3) mandatory programs: education, health, and poverty. While the priority concerns, there are four (4) sectors, namely infrastructure, maritime, energy, and food, other than one support program is one stop service program.

On that occasion, Cabinet Secretary Andi Wijayanto also said that the President would be very concerned about two issues, those are:  issue of Papua and borders.

Cabinet Secretary also reminded that the task Kemensetneg and Setkab are also to maintain the authority of the State, the President, and the Vice President. “Our tasks must be absolutely total and must be clean and truly ripe,” said Cabinet Secretary as he asserted, to support the President performance that superfast, so the officials in Kemensetneg and Setkab also need to work faster  (Humas Setkab/ES)

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