President Jokowi Issues Directives for Top Police Brass
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Friday (10/14) at the State Palace, Jakarta, issued his directives for the officers of the Indonesian National Police (Polri).
The meeting was attended by 559 personnel of the Police, including top police brass at the Police headquarters, Regional Police Chiefs, and Municipal Police Chiefs across Indonesia.
“The President ordered us to maintain our unity, carry out our main tasks and functions to protect and serve communities, respond quickly to complaints from the public, and have a sense of crisis amid this difficult situation,” Chief of the National Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said after the meeting.
The President also ordered the Police to take necessary measures to regain the public trust.
“We will follow up on the President’s directives and we will continue to take decisive measures, including in eradicating online gambling, eradicating illicit drugs, and eradicating crime in order to protect our communities,” Listyo said.
President Jokowi also ordered the Police to safeguard the Government policies in the economic sector at municipal, regency and provincial levels. The President also ordered the Police to safeguard the Government policies in maintaining security.
The National Police, he added, must prevent division, polarization, and disruption in communities, especially during the upcoming elections in Indonesia.
“Surely we will follow up on the directives,” the National Police Chief said.
On that occasion, General Listyo underscored that the Police will continue to carry out its transformation programs toward a predictive, accountable, just, and transparent (Presisi) Police force to improve the level of public trust for the Police institution.
The National Police Chief expressed hope that all Police personnel can maintain the unity, support each other, set a good example, and have a sense of crisis.
“We hope that the measures we take can restore the public trust. We hope that the Police will be trusted by the people,” he remarked. (FID/UN) (RI/MUR)