The Request of BNPT, Ministry of Communications Block 22 Radical Sites

By Humas     Date 31 Maret 2015
Category: News
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situs radikal

The Government through the Ministry of Communications and Information block 22 sites/ websites accused associated with radical movements.

Head of Information and Public Relations, Ministry of Communications and Informatics Ismail Cawidu said, the blocking is done after his side received a request from the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT).

“Initially the Ministry of Communications and Informatics has blocked 3 (three) sites, but BNPT reported again to block another 19 sites based on the letter No. 149/ K.BNPT/3/2015 on site/Website Radicals,” Ismail said as quoted from the site www.kominfo, on Tuesday (31/3).

Based on the request,  Ismail said, Ministry of Communications asked the organizers of the Internet service provider (ISP) to block 19 websites in accordance with the submitted BNPB as assessed the site/website mover radicalism and/or sympathizers radicalism.

Next: 12.; 13.; 14.; 15.; 16.; 17.; 18.; 19.; 20.; 21.; and 22. indonesiasupportislamicatate.blogspot.

Counter Propaganda

Meanwhile, the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Marciano Norman said he would continue to try to counter the propaganda, that made the group, the radical Islamic State for Iraqi and Syriah (ISIS) that continues to invite citizen to become supporters.

“We continue to counter. We cooperate with the Ministry of Communications to immediately close it,” Marciano said in Jakarta, Monday (30/3).

According to Marciano, government continues to be proactive not to give them free space to provoke the public. “We expect that sites like that should be given special attention,” he said.

In addition closing the sites linked ISIS, further Marciano, the government also invited the communities concerned to provide balanced information to the public.

Marciano believes, the information conveyed, could give enlightenment to the wider community. So that the community do not see only one side, but there is another side that gives enlightenment that it is not true.

“We carefully manage it. Do not get caught that one day ISIS is associated with Islam, it is not true,” Marciano said. (Humas Kemenkominfo/ES)

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