Translators at Cabinet Secretariat Take Part in the 7th GPDRR

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Mei 2022
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Muhardi, Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas, Fairuzzamani Inayatillah, and Ridwan Ibadurrohman (from left to right) at the 7th GPDRR. (Photo by: Office of the Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation)

Four translators at Cabinet Secretariat participated in the smooth execution of the 7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) 2022 from May 23 to 28, 2022, at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) in the resort island of Bali.

The four translators were Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas, Muhardi, Ridwan Ibadurrohman, and Fairuzzamani Inayatillah who served as document translators and interpreters for opening remarks, memorandum of understanding formulations, and other events from delegates of the United Nations, government officials, and other stakeholders related to the GPDRR.

“We were involved as interpreters by translating opening remarks from UN officials, government officials, and other stakeholders,” Ersan said, adding that during the opening of the GPDRR, he interpreted the speech of the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina J. Mohammed from English to Indonesian.

Ersan further stated that he and Ridwan also became interpreters for UN delegates during a trip to the Command Center of the Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation.

“On Monday (05/23), during pre-GPDRR event, Local Leaders Forum: Towards Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities, we also did translations from Indonesian to English. On Wednesday (05/26), the four of us were involved in a ministerial meeting,” he said.

According to Muhardi, another translator at Cabinet Secretariat who participated in the 7th GPDRR, government translators at both central and regional levels play an essential role in supporting the smooth execution of a global-level event and the skills and competence of government translators are highly needed to assist communication with related parties.

“At GPDRR, we provided oral translation for bilateral meetings, field visits, and ministerial roundtable meetings,” he said while stressing that besides language skills, it is also important to master substances in carrying out duties as translators.

“There is a unique challenge because we must master substance when serving as translators at an international event, so in addition to language skills, I have to find out as many information as possible related to the topics that will be addressed at every meeting,” he said.

Muhardi added that he not only served as an interpreter at the 7th GPDRR but also as a translator to translate various meeting documents and cooperation agreements.

“I am pleased to be involved in this event because it gives me more experience,” he remarked.

For the record, at the 7th GPDRR, Cabinet Secretariat as the fostering institution for government functional position of translators not only assigned translators from Cabinet Secretariat but also from the National Agency for Disaster Management, namely Beryl Septiani Adji, and the Government of Bali Province, namely Ni Wayan Pering Muliawati.

The four translators at Cabinet Secretariat were not only involved at the 7th GPDRR last week. In fact, they have been involved in the preparations of the meeting since last February.

These translators also served as interpreters for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction Mami Mizutori when he had a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy and Head of the National Agency for Disaster Management Suharyanto and with Governor of Bali Wayan Koster in Bali last April. (FID/Office of the Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation/UN) (DH/MMB)

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