Transportation Ministry to Carry Out Labor-Intensive Projects

By Humas     Date 6 Oktober 2015
Category: News
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Transportation Ministry to Carry Out Labor-Intensive Projects

To follow-up the instruction of President Joko Widodo in the limited meeting on Thursday (1/10) in order that Ministries/Institutions prepare labor-intensive projects to open many job opportunities, Ministry of Transportation has prepared a number of infrastructure projects which are expected to be able to employ many workers.

Ministry of Transportation Ignatius Jonan said the labor-intensive projects in capital expenditures or investment performed by Ministry of Transportation, are among others:

  1. A construction of railway line in Sulawesi. “A railway line construction is a labor-intensive project” Jonan said to reporters, at the Presidential office, Jakarta, on Thursday (1/10);

  2. A construction of Trans-Sumatera railway line including in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatera, Jambi, and Lampung, connecting the existing railway line;

  3. A construction of double track railway line cross the southern part of Java because the track cross the northern part has been completed by the previous Government;

  4. An improvement and an increase of capacity in almost 160 seaports all over Indonesia from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to Papua;

  5. An improvement of about 80 airports, runway extension, airside strengthening, airport terminal improvement, etc almost in 80 locations.

Jonan also said that Ministry of Transportation would build 190 ships in various types this year. “So, almost all shipyard industries in Indonesia will get jobs. It is expected to reduce the unemployment rate,” he noted.

Airplane Procurement

On that occasion, the Minister also said that 23 airplane operators or airlines or air charters of scheduled and non-scheduled flights had met the capital shortfall at Rp 6 trillion.

Besides, the Ministry also increases the number of aircrafts as required in accordance with the law in aviation.

“For example, an airline company which has 6,7 or 8 airplanes must have 10 airplanes. So, Ministry of Transportation increases the number of airplanes to meet the requirement,” Jonan said.

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